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2nd year mathematics license
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Histoire des Mathématiques
Outils de Programmation pour les Mathématiques 2
Logique Mathématique
Analyse Numérique 1
Introduction à la Topologie
1st year Mathematics LMD
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Algrotithmics and Data Structure 1
Computer Structure 1
Mathematical Analysis 1
Algebra 1
Electronics and System Components
1st Semester
Anglais technique (Rédaction et exposé)
Méthodes de calcul basées sur la DFT
Méthodes de caractérisation des matériaux
Propriétés et comportement des matériaux
Thermodynamique du solide
Physique des semi-conducteurs
M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
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Initiation à la recherche et rédaction scientifique
Mini-projet -2024
Champs d'applications
Gestion de données massives
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2nd year mathematics license
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Histoire des Mathématiques
Outils de Programmation pour les Mathématiques 2
Logique Mathématique
Analyse Numérique 1
Introduction à la Topologie
1st year Mathematics LMD
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Algrotithmics and Data Structure 1
Computer Structure 1
Mathematical Analysis 1
Algebra 1
Electronics and System Components
1st Semester
Anglais technique (Rédaction et exposé)
Méthodes de calcul basées sur la DFT
Méthodes de caractérisation des matériaux
Propriétés et comportement des matériaux
Thermodynamique du solide
Physique des semi-conducteurs
M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
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Initiation à la recherche et rédaction scientifique
Mini-projet -2024
Champs d'applications
Gestion de données massives
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI)
Mathematics Master
1st Semeste
1st Semeste
Course categories
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science LMD
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science LMD / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science LMD / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Mathematics LMD
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Mathematics LMD / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Mathematics LMD / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year Computer Science Engineer
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year Computer Science Engineer / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year Computer Science Engineer / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 2nd Semester
Matter Sciences (SM)
Matter Sciences (SM) / Common Core Matter Science
Matter Sciences (SM) / Common Core Matter Science / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / Common Core Matter Science / 2nd Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year Physics
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year Physics / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year Physics / 2nd Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year Physics
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year Physics / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year licence Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year licence Chemistry / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year licence Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year licence Chemistry / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's materials and processes for solar energy
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's materials and processes for solar energy / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's materials physics
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's materials physics / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's Chemistry / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's Chemistry / 1st Semester
Formation doctorale
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Equation différentielles abstraites
Equation différentielles stochastique
Analyse des systèmes différentiels : Dimension infinie
Modélisation des phénomènes réels
Introduction à l'Entrepreneuriat
Rédaction Scientifique en Anglais
Outils informatique de rédaction scientifique II