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1st Semester
Decisional support systems
Model-Driven Engineering
Emerging technologies in ISI
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Scientific writing (common)
1st year Computer Science Engineer
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Algrotithmics and Data Structure 1
Computer Structure
Introduction to Operating System 1
Mathematical Analysis 1
Algebra 1
2nd Semester
Anglais Scientifique 2
Ethique et déontologie
TP d'électrochimie
TP thermodynamique des solutions
Chimie des surfaces et catalyse
Spectroscopie moléculaire
1st Semester
Anglais Technique 1
TP Chimie Organique
TP Structure-propriétés Matériaux multiphases
Modélisation moléculaire
Chimie des Eaux
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1st Semester
Decisional support systems
Model-Driven Engineering
Emerging technologies in ISI
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Scientific writing (common)
1st year Computer Science Engineer
Display Space
Algrotithmics and Data Structure 1
Computer Structure
Introduction to Operating System 1
Mathematical Analysis 1
Algebra 1
2nd Semester
Anglais Scientifique 2
Ethique et déontologie
TP d'électrochimie
TP thermodynamique des solutions
Chimie des surfaces et catalyse
Spectroscopie moléculaire
1st Semester
Anglais Technique 1
TP Chimie Organique
TP Structure-propriétés Matériaux multiphases
Modélisation moléculaire
Chimie des Eaux
Archive des Cours
Archive 2023-2024
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI)
3rd year license computer science
1st Semester
1st Semester
Course categories
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science LMD
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science LMD / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science LMD / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Mathematics LMD
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Mathematics LMD / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Mathematics LMD / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year Computer Science Engineer
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year Computer Science Engineer / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year Computer Science Engineer / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization)
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA / 1st Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA / 2nd Semeste
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 2nd Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 1st Semester
Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 2nd Semester
Matter Sciences (SM)
Matter Sciences (SM) / Common Core Matter Science
Matter Sciences (SM) / Common Core Matter Science / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / Common Core Matter Science / 2nd Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year Physics
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year Physics / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year Physics / 2nd Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year Physics
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year Physics / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year licence Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd year licence Chemistry / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year licence Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 3rd year licence Chemistry / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's materials and processes for solar energy
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's materials and processes for solar energy / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's materials physics
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's materials physics / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 1st master's Chemistry / 1st Semester
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's Chemistry
Matter Sciences (SM) / 2nd master's Chemistry / 1st Semester
Formation doctorale
Archive des Cours
Archive des Cours / Archive 2019-2020
Archive des Cours / Archive 2019-2020 / L2 informatique
Archive des Cours / Archive 2019-2020 / L2 informatique / Semestre 1
Archive des Cours / Archive 2019-2020 / L2 informatique / Semestre 2
Archive des Cours / Archive 2020-2021
Archive des Cours / Archive 2020-2021 / s2
Archive des Cours / Archive 2020-2021 / M1 resys 12
Archive des Cours / Archive 2020-2021 / M1 resys 12 / M1 resys S1 20-21
Archive des Cours / Archive 2021-2022
Archive des Cours / Archive 2022-2023
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI)
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 1st year Computer Science Engineer / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / Mathematics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / Mathematics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3th year mathematics license / Applied Mathematics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 2nd year license computer science / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / 3rd year license computer science / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis)
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis)
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 FA (Fundamental Analysis) / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization)
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 1st Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 2nd Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization)
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 1st Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2 MCO (Modeling Control & Optimization) / 2nd Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA / 1st Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M1-EDA / 2nd Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA / 1st Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / M2-EDA / 2nd Semeste
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Mathematics Master / Projets de Fin d'Etude
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 ISI / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 ISI / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Resys / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Resys / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M1 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) / Computer Science Master / M2 Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Common Core Matter Science
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Common Core Matter Science / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / Common Core Matter Science / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd year Physics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd year Physics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd year Physics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 3rd year Physics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 3rd year Physics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 3rd year Physics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 1st master's materials physics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 1st master's materials physics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 1st master's materials physics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd master's materials physics
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd master's materials physics / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd master's materials physics / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd year licence Chemistry
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd year licence Chemistry / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd year licence Chemistry / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 3rd year licence Chemistry
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 3rd year licence Chemistry / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 3rd year licence Chemistry / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 1st master's Chemistry
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 1st master's Chemistry / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 1st master's Chemistry / 2nd Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd master's Chemistry
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd master's Chemistry / 1st Semester
Archive des Cours / Archive 2023-2024 / 2nd master's Chemistry / 2nd Semester
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Operating system 2
Moulaydriss MECHAOUI
Software engineering
Noreddine KHELIFA
Human Machine Interface
yamina deddouche
Probability and Statistics
Sabrina TAF
Linear Programming
Digital economy and strategic monitoring
amirouche Benchenni