Syllabus for Service Marketing

Course Description:

This course focuses on the principles and practices of marketing services, which are intangible products that are consumed at the same time as they are produced. Students will learn how to effectively market services to consumers and businesses, taking into account the unique challenges and opportunities presented by this type of product. The course will cover a variety of topics, including the service marketing mix, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and customer relationship management.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define and explain the key concepts of service marketing
  • Identify the unique characteristics of services
  • Develop effective marketing strategies for services
  • Understand the service marketing mix
  • Price services effectively
  • Choose the right distribution channels for services
  • Manage customer relationships for services

Course Schedule:

Module 1: Introduction to Service Marketing

  • What is service marketing?
  • The unique characteristics of services
  • The challenges and opportunities of service marketing

Module 2: The Service Marketing Mix

  • The 7Ps of service marketing
  • Product strategy
  • Pricing strategy
  • Place strategy
  • Promotion strategy
  • People strategy
  • Process strategy
  • Physical evidence strategy

Module 3: Pricing Strategies for Services

  • Cost-based pricing
  • Demand-based pricing
  • Competition-based pricing
  • Value-based pricing

Module 4: Distribution Channels for Services

  • Direct marketing
  • Indirect marketing
  • Third-party marketing

Module 5: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • The importance of CRM
  • Building customer relationships
  • Managing customer relationships
  • Measuring CRM success


  • Assignments:  30
  • Final Exam:70%

Required Textbook:

  • Services Marketing: Strategies, Concepts, and Cases by James A. Fitzsimmons and Martha J. Bitner

Additional Resources: